
  Lianyang City Hongwei District Synthetic Catalyst Factory
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Our factory was founded in 1976. We are a specialized polyester catalyst provider. We offer annually more than 4,000 tonnes of polyester catalysts, including Cobalt acetate, manganese acetate, antimony acetate and antimony triglycolate. Besides, we are SINOPEC's rare metal recovery contractor. Rare metal products include platinum sponge and silver.

Our factory occupies a total area of 17,000 square meters. We have seven reaction units and a research center, all equipped with advanced facilities. Our polyester catalyst series are developped in collaboration with Dalian University of Technology and China Institute of Atomic Energy. They are well accepted and recognized by customers. Cobalt Acetate catalyst was given Gold Medal in the 3rd Excellent New Product Show by the government of Liaoning Province; manganese acetate and antimony glycolate were given 3rd Prize of the Science and Technology Advancement of Liaoning Province; antimony acetate was named State Level Key New Product. Besides, we were awarded 3rd Prize of the Science and Technology Advancement of Liaoyang in 2003 for silver recovery technology that we developped.

We are an ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified manufacturer. We were named High-tech Enterprise in 2000 by the Science and Technology Department of Liaoning Province. We have been named Star Enterprise and Model Enterprise for straight 10 years and have been a model tax payer for years.

We strive to offer better products suited to customers' needs. We look forward to opportunities for cooperation with you.

Shanghai Danfan Network Science&Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.